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Anam Cara Memoir

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Anam Cara Memoir book COMING SOON!
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Christi Eley has been sharing her Anam Cara (“soul friend”) rabbits for many years with people in her local community. She has visited many senior living facilities and has many stories to share! One very special encounter is shared in Adios – a personal memoir story of Christi visiting a retired Marine Colonel during his final days. It is a real life unfolding of an Anam Cara “soul friend,” which in the Celtic Christianity tradition represented someone who would hold space for you, deeply listen and be guide through life's transitions. 

In this memoir, Christi shares the experience that started off as a routine visit with someone who was very unresponsive and unfolded into a life changing experience. It is a story that needs to be told, so we can all experience an Anam Cara in our every day lives. There won't be a dry eye while reading it, seeing how the rabbits open doors to trusting, meaningful communication and souls connecting to create  heart to heart connections and sacred moments.  

Our wish for you is that you can also create these moments in your our life by connecting to your own Anam Cara or being an Anam Cara to someone else. We have journaling exercises at the back of the memoir to help you uncover this in your own life. We share beautiful pictures of the real life “soul friend” bunnies who were the visitors to the Colonel and inspirational quotes that you can reflect on in your own life. This is a unique opportunity to awaken your soul!
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“The stranger does not come accidentally; he bring a particular gift and illumination.  And this is why it  is said that the “Anam Cara” perspective is sublime for it permits us to enter this unity of ancient belonging.”  


John O'Donohue

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