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Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God Meditation

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"But ask the animals and they will teach you."
Job 12:7

What is Mr. Flopsy Meditation

Mr. Flopsy Meditation for children is like no other program out there!

We focus on a devotional meditation where daily reflections are centered around easy to understand bible quotes. 

This makes Mr. Flopsy’s meditation meaningful – the children are learning to be still and listen for a higher purpose – to connect and hear the Whispers from God.

We also use many animal and nature references, so children can learn to reflect and see the beauty of God’s creation all around.

Join Mr. Flopsy in the Peaceful Garden and travel with him through the meadow to learn many important lessons!

"I have everything I need. He gives me rest in green pastures. He leads me to calm water.
Psalm 23:1-3

These Daily Whispers Meditation Cards will guide children on how to hear God in their daily lives. Mr. Flopsy will lead the way!


Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God Meditation Prayer Cards

Expanding the lessons from the Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God storybook are 6 beautiful meditation prayer cards:  Peaceful Garden, Bunny Breaths, Crossing the Bridge, In the Moonlight, Bunny Blessings and Resting in the Bunny Burrow.  Based around easy to understand bible quotes, children will learn practical ways to bring stillness into their daily lives.  By slowing down and connecting to nature, they will learn to hear the whispers from God all around.  A much needed message in today’s busy world with so many distractions for our young ones. Perfect for ages 3-9.

Easy to use 5 x 7 cards. Simple messages that can be used in the mornings, bedtime or anytime during the day when you need to be still!


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Where can you learn Mr. Flopsy’s Children’s Meditation

Mrs. Cottontail & Mr. Flopsy are excited to teach you!

  • Bunny Burrow – one-on-one lessons in the cozy Bunny Burrow

  • Classroom Visits for Preschool and K-2nd Grades

  • In Person Workshops for Teachers

  • Zoom Workshops for Parents and anyone who works with Kids

Contact us now to make your appointment for Mr. Flopsy’s Meditation Classes!

"Set your mind on things above."
Colossians 3:2

Mrs. Cottontail and Friends
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