Mrs. Cottontail and Friends

Mr. Flopsy
Whispers from God Book Series

Mr. Flopsy's Story
Mr. Flopsy represents all of the rabbits that have been in Mrs. Cottontail's life over the years. From when she was a young girl bonding with her first rabbit that her grandfather gave her, to raising rabbits with her own daughters, to her many years of ministry with Mrs. Cottontail and Friends. She has seen the unconditional love and lessons that can be learned from spending time with rabbits.
Mrs. Cottontail likes to describe this as “Anam Cara.” In Celtic Christianity, it means “soul friend and teacher,” and that's what the rabbits have been been to her and many others through the years.
During the pandemic, when the whole world had to stop and be still, Mrs. Cottontail realized it was time to share this message in a book format. Being still can sometimes be a challenging task, but when learned through the eyes of a bunny, it can become much easier. In the bunny world, when a bunny is in a complete state of relaxation, it “flops” over on it's side and is in the most blissful state – hence why we named it Mr. Flopsy! In this quiet moments, our “Anam Cara” bunny friends, teach us how we can hear the Whispers from God.
We hope Mr. Flopsy can open your hearts and be a soul teacher in your child's life!

"Be still and know that I am God."
Psalm 46:10
In a busy world, children need guidance on how to slow down and hear the whispers of God. This is where Mr. Flopsy can help!
Let's go inside the world of Mr. Flopsy, so we can feel happy, safe and loved!

Series: Mrs. Cottontail and Friends Presents
Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God,
The Lesson of Being Still
Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God is an early reader storybook that shares the simple message and guidance from a pet bunny to help your child find stillness and peace. By connecting with animals, children learn to see and hear God’s love and feel secure as they learn to be quiet, patient, brave and trusting.
Written in a rhythmic bouncy script, Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God: A Lesson on Being Still provides a platform for your child to begin their own relationship with God and is reaffirmed by the gentle words and affirmations of God’s love through the Bible verse “Be still and Know that I am God” Psalm 46:10
Join Mr. Flopsy on this heartwarming adventure that will inspire your child for a lifetime!
Books for Your Little Ones
The first book in the series -
Mr. Flopsy Whispers from God
A Lesson on Being Still
Price is $14.99

Book Review
"I have read Mr. Flopsy: Whispers From God and find it to be an excellent book for children. I like that the words are in large print and easy to read, and the message is clear. The art work is outstanding. Congratulations on putting together a great resource for parents..."
Reverend Gary Chapman
author of The 5 Love Languages Series